Pi's Cursor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quickstart: drop it in your Extensions Folder and Restart. Firstly I've got to say that this is a direct rip of the code used by Matthias Urlich (I think) to create the 3-D Cursor INIT. This puts up a nicely shaded cursor of the exact same dimensions as the system cursor, but it's got a 'classy' feel to it. The reason I wrote this one was because I just can't see the cursor on my powerbook. I can wiggle the trackball around for ages trying to spot the thing. It was inspired by the optional cursors available in Plannet Crafters Plug-In-For-Windows. A package designed to improve the workings of Windows (spit). In fact the icon is a binary->pict conversion of one of the cursors available therein. I would have liked it as the Mac cursor, but the Mac system limits the size of the cursor. So I drew this one freehand and coloured it a garish yellow to make it easy to spot. Of course you are welcome to Resedit around with this INIT. All I ask is that if you distribute it in any way that you include this document with all the credits it lists. A word of warning. If you do decide to customise it, be warned not to modify the CURS resource, as this renders the INIT into non-functioning mode (It won't work). Don't ask me why, might be something to do with pattern-trapping. History: ~~~~~~~~ Beta 1. 30/8/94 - The cursor was so ugly I was forced to recall it on pain of death! Version 1. 1/9/94 - The cursor is still considered by my artist friends to be hideous, but it's visible. Version 1.1 1/6/95 - No program change, just a nicer cursor I picked up somewhere. Tested on a 165c, 520, 540c, IIsi and a 7100 PowerMac. My Theory: ~~~~~~~~~~ As we all know there are a lot of viruses in the IBM world, but virtually none around on the Mac front (unless I've been living in Lucky-Land). In fact I've only seen one Mac virus in ten years, although I've read of others. My theory is that the would-be virus-writers in the Mac world are pouring their efforts into writing INIT's and CDEV's. A happy side-effect of the peculiarities of The Mac OS. My theory also states that one of the reasons that virus-writers do so is to see how far their work will spread. If a big enough response is forthcoming to INIT's and CDEV's then they will stick to writing useful things, and not destructive ones. This is why I always respond to an email address in anything on the Mac. In the meantime keep on checking for viruses. You never can be too careful. Likewise with the few bits and pieces I've put out for the Mac, I'm very interested to see how far they have spread. Consequently I would ask anyone who uses this INIT to drop me a line and tell me. Naturally there has to be some sort of incentive. It's this: if I hear from enough people I will attempt to put some sort of front end on it and turn it into a CDEV with a little box that you can draw your own cursor in (not much of incentive if you can use Resedit, I know, but what else could I do? Tell me, if you can think of anything better). I will also put anyone who replies on a mailing list to receive the new version immediately it is produced. You can reach me on: pi@macabre.demon.co.uk Hey, sometimes these text files go on for ever don't they? Must be because of all the credits to give, theories to spout, histories to recite, the plea because I am a starving student (please send me all your money, I am a starving student) oh yes, and the disclaimer. The Disclaimer: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hereby guarantee that if you don't use this INIT on your machine it will not affect your machine in any way. If you do use it, however, you do so at your own risk. Sleep easy, think easy, drink easy. ¹